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ATIVAN ®BRAND (LORAZEPAM) 2mg 90 Pills - Brand Meds Pharmacy


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Ativan is in a group of drugs called benzodiazepines (ben-zoe-dye-AZE-eh-peens). Ativan affects chemicals in the brain that may become unbalanced and cause anxiety. Ativan is used to treat anxiety disorders. Ativan may also be used for purposes other than those listed in this medication guide

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Important information about Ativan: Do not use this medication if you are allergic to Ativan or to other benzodiazepines, such as alprazolam (Xanax), chlordiazepoxide (Librium), clorazepate (Tranxene), diazepam (Valium), or oxazepam (Serax). This medication can cause birth defects in an unborn baby. Do not use Ativan if you are pregnant. Before taking Ativan, tell your doctor if you have any breathing problems, glaucoma, kidney or liver disease, or a history of depression, suicidal thoughts, or addiction to drugs or alcohol. Do not drink alcohol while taking Ativan. This medication can increase the effects of alcohol. Avoid using other medicines that make you sleepy. They can add to sleepiness caused by Ativan.


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Ativan is in a group of drugs called benzodiazepines (ben-zoe-dye-AZE-eh-peens). Ativan affects chemicals in the brain that may become unbalanced and cause anxiety. Ativan is used to treat anxiety disorders. Ativan may also be used for purposes other than those listed in this medication guide

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